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Building Management System with Odoo
Use Case: Building Management and Maintenance System Mitra Bakti United Tractor


Mitra Bakti UT Company is a subsidiary of PT United Tractors, which operates in the building management business including: Office Equipment, Office Machines / Building Management Services .

In order to increase the efficiency of MBUT business processes and increase the accuracy of MBUT management decision making, based on valid and complete data. MBUT decided to carry out further development of the Odoo ERP application which is currently operating at MBUT, especially in the areas of Business Support, CSO and Accounting. Further discussions regarding MBUT's enhancement needs resulted in the decision that MBUT would implement a Building Management & Maintenance Service System to support the integration of business processes related to building maintenance services and facilities.

Building Management Service routine operations are managed through the BM Operation module.
Tasks / tasklists can be grouped by customer, implementer, type of operation, work status and others.
Work results reporting will be modified by adding photo attachments starting from pre-work, process to final results.
The need for photo updates related to work results is included in the document management sub-module with integration into the Tasklist process.
There is a dynamic reporting model with the  Dynamic analysis Pivot Reporting feature